Every renovation begins
with flawless demolition.

Serving Los Angeles County and surrounding cities.

For more than 15 years, Metro Wide has provided demolition services to builders, homeowners and real estate companies.  We know the ins and outs of construction and deconstruction like no one else. Our knowledge can make the difference between a successful project and a costly one.

Free project estimates

Competitive Pricing

No job to big or small

Free project estimates

Experienced and professional

As top demolition contractors, Metro Wide Demolition adheres to the requirements of California’s Contractor State Licences board – CSLB LICENSE 929734
STEP 1: Plan
Planning includes initial site inspection, determining the method used to demolish and all necessary equipment/contractors needed, and calculating project costs.
STEP 2: Demolition
Demolition sets the foundation for success renovation and remodeling projects. Interior demolition is the removal and deconstruction of portions of a home or building.
STEP 3: Remodel
A clean slate provides more remodeling options. Let your creativity soar and create a space that is more attractive and functional for all living and working purposes.